Ohio County Tax Office
About | Pay Online/Online Record Search | Auto Registration Renewals | Deadlines | Contact Us | Staff
About the Tax Office
The Ohio County Sheriff's Tax Office is responsible for the collection of Real Estate and Personal Property taxes, mailing of the tax statements in July, and certifying delinquent Real Estate taxes by October 31st every year to the State Auditor. The Tax Office distributes tax funds to county, municipalities and schools: receipts are supplied with payment showing distribution.
Pay your Taxes/County Fire Fees Online or Search Property Tax/Fire Fee Records
You may search records and/or pay your fees online by visiting wvpropertytaxes.com.
- Debit/Credit Card $1.00 fee plus 2.2% of the amount
- Electronic Check $1.00 fee
Payments made in the office with a debit/credit card will be charged the same fees. Our credit card servicing company charges these fees directly to the taxpayer. You can also pay in the office with cash or check or with a check by mail.
Auto Registration Renewals
Our office offers renewals for one or two years. Renewal information needed is a plate number or the registration currently driving on and insurance information. Renewal in office ONLY, not by mail.
Important Deadline Dates
- September 1 - First half discount ends
- October 1 - First half taxes delinquent - interest begins on first half
- March 1 - Second half discount ends
- April 1 - Second half taxes delinquent - interest on second half begins
- April 30 - Taxes still unpaid are subject to publication and additional fees
- September 1 - All delinquent real estate taxes are subject to second publication - tax lien procedure starts
- October 31 - All unpaid delinquent real estate taxes will be certified to the auditor
Contact Us
1500 Chapline Street, Room 206 Office Hours:
Wheeling, WV 26003 Monday - Friday
Phone: 304-234-3688 8:30 - 5:00
Fax: 304-234-3785