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Ohio County Sheriff's Office


The Ohio County Sheriff’s Office, located in Wheeling, West Virginia, serves over 42,035 people. Though there are full-time and part-time police departments in the area, the Sheriff's Office has been the primary law enforcement agency for the majority of Ohio County since its inception in 1777.


The sheriff of a given county performs two distinct duties. They are the chief law-enforcement officers in the county, although much of this duty is handled by their chief deputies. They are also responsible for the collection of any taxes due to the county. If you're looking for information about the Sheriff's Tax Office, please follow this link. While many sheriffs have a background in professional law enforcement, others are politicians or other local notables. West Virginia sheriffs are limited to two consecutive four-year terms.

Teams & divisions

SRT - Special Response Team: Established in 2001, Ohio County's SRT supports the Ohio County Sheriff's Office and any other requesting law enforcement agency with a tactical response to critical incidents. SRT Commander/Team Leader: Sergeant Nicole Seifert. SRT Assistant Team Leader: Corporal D.J. Drahos

ERT - Evidence Recovery Team: Ohio County's ERT suppoorts the Ohio County Sheriff's office with a tactical response to crime scenes. ERT Commander: Lt. Doug Ernest

Ohio County Process Server: Mr. Randy Sleeth serves all manner of civil and criminal legal processes to residents and businesses in the county.

Ohio County Training and Equipment Manager: Major Rod Vaught oversees and coordinates the training for members of the OCSO. Major Vaught also manages the Sheriff's fleet of vehicles and other department equipment.

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51 16th Street
Wheeling, WV 26003

Phone (Law Enforcement): 304-234-3680
Phone (Non-Emergency): (304) 234-3606
Phone (Records): 304-234-3792
Fax: (304) 234-3759

Office Hours: 
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm

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