Voter Registration and Elections
VoterRegistration | Elections | FAQ | Contact Us
Unique to Ohio County; Voter Registration and Elections are overseen by the Ohio County Commission Office rather than the County Clerk, which is the case for the rest of the state. Ohio County currently has approximately 28,000 registered voters and consists of 36 voting precincts divided among the 3rd, 4th and 5th Delegate Districts.
Voter Registration
How Can I Register To Vote?
First, check to see if you're already registered here.
There are several ways eligible individuals can register to vote. Apply in person in room 215 at the City County Building located at 1500 Chapline Street, Wheeling, WV 26003, download the voter registration application and return the completed form by mail, or you can register online here.
To be eligible to register to vote all of the following must be true:
- You are a United States citizen
- You are at least 17 years of age and will be 18 on or before the next General Election
- You are a legal resident of West Virginia and of the county where you are applying
- You are NOT currently under conviction, probation or parole for any felony, treason or bribery
- You have NOT been judged mentally incompetent in a court of competent jurisdiction
Ohio County Elections
Election Results
2024 General Election
2024 Primary Election
When should I register to vote?
Applications can be submitted any time; however registrations received 21 days or less before an election will not be processed until that election is over. Please note: if a copy of your driver's license or state issued ID that has your current physical address on it is not included with your application, your address will have to be verified through the USPS and will take approximately 10 business days.
I've been incarcerated in the past. Can I register to vote?
If you are currently under conviction, probation or parole for any felony, treason or election bribery you cannot register to vote. However, once your time has been served and you are no longer on probation or parole you CAN register to vote.
Election Day voting takes place ONLY at your normal polling location. Polls are open 6:30 a.m - 7:30 p.m. If you are unsure of your polling location, it is listed on your voter registration card. You can also call our office at 304-234-3750 to check where your polling place is, or you can check
What if I won't be available to vote on Election Day?
Early Voting takes place on the 1st floor of the City County Building at 1500 Chapline St, Wheeling, WV 26003 starting 13 days before the Election and ending the Saturday before the Election. No appointment necessary
I am unable to vote in person. How can I vote?
Registered voters MAY BE ELIGIBLE to vote an absentee ballot by mail if the voter is "confined" or not in their home county for the entirety of in-person voting. If you are eligible, an absentee ballot application must be completed by hand and returned to our office. Voters must sign or place their mark on the application. A power of attorney cannot sign for the voter. Applications can't be accepted before the 84th day before the election and must be received by our office no later than the 6th day before the election. Download an absentee ballot application here. Please read the directions carefully. Applications not filled out correctly can not be processed.
Additionally, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and West Virginia State Law provide extended absentee voting opportunities to military and overseas voters. Voters covered by UOCAVA include members of uniformed services and merchant marines on active duty, along with their spouses and dependents, and United States citizens temporarily or permanently residing outside the United States. The military and overseas absentee application can be found at
Does my registered party affiliation affect me when I go to vote?
Your registered party will affect your ballot during West Virginia Primary Elections, but not for General Elections. West Virginia has "closed" Primary Elections, meaning you are only permitted to vote a ballot from the party you designated on your voter registration application. If you request a ballot of a different political party other than your own, it will be processed as a Provisional (challenged) ballot and may not be counted.
Currently, there are 4 parties recognized by the state: Democrat, Libertarian, Mountain and Republican. If you are registered as anything else (i.e. Independent, No Party, Constitution), you can choose to vote a ballot from the 4 recognized parties. If you wish to request a specific party ballot you MUST request it from the poll worker while checking in at the polls. They cannot ask you which party ballot you would like to vote. If you do not request a party ballot you will only received the non-partisan ballot which only contains non-partisan races.
How can I contact our local political parties?
Contact Us
The Ohio County Voter Registration Office is located at:
City-County Building
1500 Chapline Street, Suite 215
Wheeling, WV 26003
Telephone: 304-234-3750
Ohio County Election Coordinator:
Erin Witchey
[email protected]
Email : Email Ohio County Voter Registration